A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away (let’s call it college), I really wanted to be in great shape. I used to dream about what it would be like to have 6-pack abs, well-defined biceps, and shoulders that looked like The Rock (If ya smell what I’m cookin’.)
If I could develop this magnificent physique, I would not only look good on the beach, but I could put all the old men to shame in my newly discovered slow pitch softball league.
Ahhh….the dreams of youth…
But there was a problem with my dream during those college years. I desired the end result. I just wasn’t willing to do the work.
Each week I set out with an exercise goal, and inevitably one of those workouts would take a back seat to a good TV Show, movie, or naptime. And as far as nutrition goes, let’s just say Cherry Coke was (and still is) my Achilles’ heel. (It’s just so tasty!). So I became the king of excuses:
“I’m too busy.”
“I didn’t get enough sleep last night.”
“I have too much homework.”
“If only I had more energy…”
The list could go on and on, and I often sat disappointed, trying to figure out why I couldn’t achieve this goal. I did my best to convince myself that perhaps the goal was unachievable. Maybe my body just wasn’t built to have a 6-pack. But the problem wasn’t that my goal was too big. The problem was…my small excuses.
Now that I am an old man (or at least feel like one), I’m not only still in that same softball league, but I find myself facing the same problem:
Goal: I want to be in great shape.
Excuse: I don’t have the energy I used to. I just need to get more sleep.
Goal: I want to have a Will in place to protect my family in case something happens to me.
Excuse: I don’t know who to call, and I’m still alive. This isn’t urgent, so I’ll just deal with it later.
And my favorite, until recently…
Goal: I want to launch my own blog.
Excuse: I have a wife, 2 kids, and a full-time job. I’m too busy to write.
Fortunately, a few months ago, after a good heart-to-heart with myself, I recognized these excuses.
- It wasn’t that I didn’t have enough energy to workout. It’s that I was dealing with regular sugar crashes from the 44 ounce Polar Pops I got at the local Circle K.
- It wasn’t that I didn’t know who to call to get started on a Will. It’s that I was too afraid to face my own mortality.
- It wasn’t that I was too busy to write. It’s that I spent my time watching football, scrolling through Facebook, or binge-watching some show on Netflix.
My dreams wanted to take me places. My excuses wanted to keep me on the couch. And if you looked at my waistline, clearly there was a winner. So, I decided to stop making excuses, put together a plan, and get to work.
And those 3 goals? Well, let’s just say that since May, I’ve lost 28 pounds, launched this blog, and now have a Will.
This doesn’t mean I have everything figured out. I still make excuses. And I’m still a long way from that 6-pack. But I know I’m not alone.
I’m not sure what you’re dreams are. Maybe you want to lose weight. Maybe you want to get your financial house in order. Maybe you want to start your own business. Or maybe you want to apply for that job you’ve been eyeballing. Whatever it is, don’t let excuses hold you back. The world needs your dream. But it’s not enough to desire the end result. It’s time to put together a plan and get to work. No more excuses.
Question: What is one excuse holding you back from your dreams? (Share your thoughts and inspire others in the comments below.)
My workout journey was a dream to see my grandkids grow up. Right now I only have one but she was enough motivation. Add to that my desire to be a healthier version of myself by my 50th birthday and in a year, I’ve gone from almost 150 lbs to 135 and from a tight 12 to a healthy 8.
Stay on track and and a huge YAY for you!!! You are already determined – so in the words of Journey “Don’t Stop Believing!” Never stop believing in yourself.
Wow! That’s awesome, Sandra! Great job!