About 4 years ago, Alissa and I made a decision: she was going to become a stay-at-home mom. We thought it would be best for our kids to have their mom around as they grow up, and it’s benefited our family in ways we never imagined.
But this decision hasn’t been without its challenges. Why? Because on the day Alissa left full-time employment, we lost 40% of our income. And the pressure to support our family financially was now solely on my shoulders. Factor in a growing grocery budget, lots and lots of diapers, and a few storms along the way, and there have been plenty of times when we’ve had to get creative to maintain our debt-free lifestyle.
While a good budget is the best way to stay on track financially, sometimes you can only do so much to make ends meet, especially when times get tough. That’s why we ventured into the world of earning extra income. Here are a few ideas that worked for us.
- Craigslist those old appliances. Do you have some old appliances you’re not using? So did we! We sold a food processor for $60, a breadmaker for $40, an old lawnmower for $20, and other tools/furniture for some extra income here and there. And bonus, we freed up some space in our pantry and garage. Just be sure to follow proper safety tips when selling on Craigslist.
- Your trash is someone else’s treasure. To save money, we’ve been known to do a few projects around our house by ourselves. One of those involved removing our entire brick patio, one brick at a time. What were we going to do with all those bricks? Pay a fee to drop them at the dump? No. We sold them for $20 a truck load. Not only did we make a couple bucks, but someone came and removed our trash for us.
- Sell gold, Jerry, gold. Seinfeld references aside, if you have some gold lying around the house that you’re not wearing or using, why not consider selling it? Last year, when our garage door broke, we sold some gold and received several hundred dollars in extra income to help pay for it. This kept us from dipping into our emergency fund. Just be sure to do your research ahead of time to make sure your gold buyer is legit.
- Special delivery. In January of 2014, I left my job and found myself without an income. Needing to support my family, and not wanting to use our emergency fund or file for unemployment, I sought ways to make money while I applied for new jobs. After a little bit of research, I found that flower shops pay a premium for contract drivers for special holidays. So, I delivered flowers for Valentine’s Day. For 3 days, I made $5.25 per delivery with an average of 6 deliveries per hour. That comes out to $31.50 per hour. Not bad. If you need extra income, think about contract driving during holidays, or maybe try a part-time pizza route.
- Freelance. Do you have any special talents? Good news! There may be a company out there who wants to use them for a project or event. In the last few years, I’ve done some writing, editing, and public speaking to earn extra income. And Alissa has even assisted with some event planning when she could make it work. Just make sure it doesn’t take away from your most important responsibilities.
- Make it or bake it. Do you bake the best cookies in your neighborhood? Do you create home décor that goes viral on Pinterest? Why not consider selling some of it? While, we’ve never ventured down this path, we know some who have, and it’s made a huge difference in their finances.

If you’re in need of some extra income, it’s out there. You just have to be willing to look for it and work for it. What do you have lying around the house that you don’t need anymore? What skills do you possess that you could monetize? What free time do you have available that you could use to make some money rather than watching Netflix? Have fun, get creative, and watch those dollars roll in. It may not change your life, but it could change your budget, and that’s the first step to financial freedom.
Relieve the underlying stress in your life
Many people don’t realize the underlying stress in their life is caused by financial troubles. Perhaps that’s you. Or perhaps it’s someone you know. I’ve been there. I’ve felt it. Thankfully, I’m not there anymore.
And I want to help.
As a certified financial coach (by Dave Ramsey’s team), I teach people how to take back control of their finances so they can have peace of mind and a better future.
If you’re looking to get out of debt, build some savings, or need help setting up your budget, schedule an appointment today (online or in-person), and I’ll help guide you on that path toward peace.
We’ve been talking about being an Uber driver one night a week to bring in some extra cash!
Awesome! If you do, I’d love to hear how it goes. Sounds like a lot of potential to make a few extra bucks.
I teach fitness classes part time. I have to make an initial investment for the certification, but I get paid $20 for every class I teach, plus free gym membership for me and my family! When I need extra income, I pick up extra classes by subbing for other instructors. This summer I also got a part time job helping sell produce at the farmers market. Free veggies!!
That’s awesome Marisa! Sorry it took me so long to respond. I’m not getting notified abou comments like I should be. Hope you are well!
I love to bake and I’m told I am pretty good at it. How would I go about getting the word out? I also want it to be legal, would I need to get a license or something?
That’s awesome Toni! Sorry it took me so long to respond. I’m not getting notified about comments like I should be. Social media can be a great and cost-effective way to get the word out. You might also consider starting with the friends who like your baking and then building through word of mouth. As for, setting up the business, I’m not an expert, but I would highly recommend you read Dave Ramsey’s book called Entreleadership. It’s inspiring and practical, and will help get you started setting up your business. Good luck!