I have 2 boys: Kellen, who is 4, and Nolan, who is 18 months. Each week, both of these boys look forward to one thing. Sunday night football? Nope. Saturday morning yard work? I wish. Our weekly visit to Chick-fil-A? I probably get more excited about it than they do…
How I Knew She Was the One
I’ve always been a serial monogamist. Actually, you know what, let’s back it up. In high school, my dating life was basically non-existent. I had better relationships with text books and basketballs than I did with any girl I would come across. But somehow, when young adulthood rolled around…
Why It’s OK to Fail at Your Goals
Every January, for the past 5 years, I’ve set goals. Now, I’m not just talking about the generic ones I used to set: Get in shape. Read more books. Watch less TV. I’m talking about measurable goals, with a concrete deadline, that I evaluate regularly…
5 Steps I Took to Start Achieving My Goals
I love New Year’s Day. Sure, the day off from work, the chips and dip, and the endless hours of football play a role. But I sincerely enjoy the fact that after 365 days, the world gives us a new beginning. Despite my great affection for it, I took this…
So This Is Christmas
I still remember my favorite Christmas as a kid. School was out for another ten days, and Christmas Eve had finally arrived. With cookies set out for Santa and carrots for the reindeer, my brother and I headed for bed. A few hours later and the crack of dawn was…
Is Anything Special Anymore?
There was something special about being a young boy at Christmas time. Anxious anticipation of what Santa was going to bring me…check. Two weeks off from school to drive my parents crazy…check. Hanging my favorite Snoopy ornament on our Christmas tree in between sips of eggnog…check. But in case that…
5 Ways to Thrive This Holiday Season
Given the current climate of our country, the holidays couldn’t come at a better time. I’m certainly looking forward to them, but maybe that’s because I haven’t even dealt with the frustration of a good, old-fashioned political debate on Facebook. It’s been a challenging year. We’ve seen a heated presidential…
Now That the Election Is Over
This past weekend, my son Kellen and I went for a bike ride through our neighborhood on our way to the “blue playground” as he calls it. During our 20-minute journey, we passed by a few neighbors. Some were driving, and we waved. Some were outside doing yardwork…
What the Saints Taught Me about Leadership
I have a confession to make. Throughout most of my life, at least as far back as I can remember, I’ve always wanted to be a leader. With this passion on my heart, I sought opportunities to lead as I grew up. In high school, I began coaching Little League…
Are Your Excuses Holding You Back? So Were Mine.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away (let’s call it college), I really wanted to be in great shape. I used to dream about what it would be like to have 6-pack abs, well-defined biceps, and shoulders that looked like The Rock…