Our Letter to Gabriel Joseph Porteous

Gabriel Joseph pray for us

November 5, 2013

Dear Gabriel,

It was just a few months ago that your mom and I learned about you and all those usual emotions came over us. We were excited, nervous, and filled with love as we anxiously awaited your full presence in our lives. We guessed whether you’d be a boy or a girl. We dreamt about what it would be like to hold you, hug you, kiss you, and raise you. And we wondered what impact you would have on the world.

But our human understanding of your existence was so limited, and God had plans for you that we could not imagine or comprehend.

God called you home before you could take a breath in this world, and while we may never have an answer as to why, we trust him and are honored to know that God chose us to be the parents of a Saint.

Gabriel Joseph, we want you to know that in such a short time, you have had an immeasurable impact on so many lives. You taught us about love. You taught us about sacrifice. You reminded us that the most important form of communication in this life is prayer and the greatest gift God has given us is community. Most of all, you showed us that life does not end in this world, and we should not take that lightly.

As a family and a community, we will miss out on so many things we had hoped for. We’ll never hear your first words. We’ll never watch you take your first step. We’ll never be able to have a catch, celebrate your graduation, or help you discover your vocation. But as God’s special messenger, we will be able to ask you to pray for us, and we could not be prouder to know that we have someone so innocent and pure watching over us.

We know that fateful day on October 25th, you were praying for your momma. We know that since then you have prayed for the intentions of those close to us, especially those in need of miracles. And we long for the day when we can be with you in paradise, to see your perfect face, look into your eyes and forever praise the name of our God with you.

Gabriel Joseph, our hearts are filled with unconditional love for you. We are eternally grateful for the little time we had with you in this world, and as we bury your body in this grave today, we bury your soul in our hearts until the end of time. Please watch over us beautiful and perfect angel, our sweet little Saint. We love you and will hold you close as long as we live.

 Love Always,

Mom and Dad

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