Why I Stopped Watching So Much Football

Around 5 years ago, I retired from fantasy football. I wish I could say it was because of some big revelation about being a better husband and father, but I was newly married, and my kids weren’t born yet. Quite simply I got tired. I was in multiple fantasy football…

The Struggle I Have with Fatherhood

In January 2012, I completed my first (and to this point only) marathon. I still remember crossing the finish line after a grueling 26.2 miles. The pain. The exhilaration. And the swell of emotion knowing I had just accomplished something special. For 18 weeks, I trained…

My Cover Letter Got Me a Job

The beginning of 2014 was a difficult time in the Porteous household. For the first time in my adult life, I found myself jobless. And while I did whatever it took to keep some sort of income rolling in for my family, the reality was…I needed to find a job…

Our Letter to Gabriel Joseph Porteous

November 5, 2013 Dear Gabriel, It was just a few months ago that your mom and I learned about you and all those usual emotions came over us. We were excited, nervous, and filled with love as we anxiously awaited your full presence in our lives. We guessed whether you’d…